
The Be My Disciples program for grades 1-6 offers engaging lessons that lead young disciples to higher levels of moral thinking and a deeper initiation into a life of prayer.  Through exploration, discovery, and decision-making, children are invited to accept the challenge to follow Jesus and learn and practice the skills needed to be active disciples. Grade two students celebrate the sacraments of First Reconciliation (the Friendship Sacrament) and First Holy Communion during their catechetical year.

Our grade seven class enjoys participating in Youth Alpha Canada, a program designed to support our tweens and teens as they encounter Christ and begin to develop a deeper relationship with Him.

Our grade eight (and, for this year, grade nine) students work with the Chosen program to further their relationship with Jesus and work toward the final Initiation Sacrament of Confirmation. This year we will be celebrating with both the grade eight and nine students. Beginning in 2023-2024 grade eight students will celebrate Confirmation in May.

Kindergarden students are welcome to attend the Children’s Liturgy which is offered during the 10:30am Mass on Sundays. Our Children’s Liturgy will begin on Sunday, September 25th this year.

For more information contact our Catechetics Coordinator, Ellen Dennis. She can be reached via email ( or by calling the parish office at 902-566-3876.